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Leading & Managing Performance

The ability to understand, motivate and effectively manage individuals and teams is a critical leadership skill. We recognise that this is not something done once or twice a year through appraisals and reviews but rather something that needs more frequent interventions. All our workshops are designed to enable the participants to:

  • Fully understand that they are accountable for the performance of their team, both individually and collectively
  • Understand the key leadership and people management skills required to deliver accurate and effective performance reviews
  • Be able to provide line reports with specific evidence-based feedback on a regular basis
  • Apply the skills and techniques to manage "difficult" conversations with confidence
  • Understand different employee behavioural types and how best to get the best out of them
  • Lead performance in a fair and consistent way
  • Diagnose and deal with underperformance

We deliver Performance Management workshops as stand-alone events or as part of wider leadership development programmes. In a world where remote working is becoming more commonplace and self-reliance is a vital attribute for everyone, the leadership mindset and traditional management practices need to change.

Coaching Skills

According to Harvard Business Review (HBR) most untrained managers coach in very directive, ‘tell’ style. The micro-skills of true coaching do not come as readily as they might to most busy leaders and managers. Interestingly, HBR also found that if managers do not have the appropriate skills, there is little correlation between the time spent coaching and the performance of the individual or team in question. Coaching is also sometimes seen as ‘light touch’ and ‘fluffy’; not so. When done well, coaching should be challenging for both parties and clearly focussed on the issues at hand. We concentrate on developing coaching micro-skills. Namely:

  • Active Listening
  • Powerful Questioning
  • Non-judgemental Behaviours
  • Effective Feedback

These core skills are backed up by two further attributes that all good coaches seem to share – being supportive & demonstrating a people-focussed approach. We focus on coaching as a specific and learnable skill set which can be explored as a stand alone workshop or as part of a wider, modular development programme.

Remote Management

As remote and flexible working arrangements have rapidly become the new norm, many managers will find themselves at a loss to know exactly how to effectively lead their teams from a distance. Even with access to the very best technology, they are still faced with new challenges around motivation, communication, quality control, efficiency and ongoing development. For any business to survive these challenging times, we all need two things – a little luck and some really effective remote leadership. In moving towards more flexible working arrangements, it is vital that your leaders and indeed individual contributors adapt to the new working arrangements as quickly and easily as possible. There are three overarching considerations:

  • Establishing and maintaining behavioural guidelines for remote working
  • Recognising the critical role that effective communication plays in maintaining motivated and productive remote workers
  • Understanding and implementing the appropriate leadership styles that have a positive impact on remote working

In response to the global pandemic, many managers and team members will be facing the prospect of leading and working remotely for the first time. Our programmes have therefore been designed to equip all those dealing with this new way of working with the tools, confidence and motivation to ensure productivity and performance remains as high as before.

Leading change

This course helps participants understand the effects of change, the likely reaction and impact on the people and the business. It defines practical ways to lead and manage people through the transition of change and to be better equipped for the next change ahead.

  • The inevitable impact of change on the people in your business Understand the change transition in a new and unique way using a management game to highlight the stages, the pitfalls and the emotions.
  • Leadership in change Identify the real qualities and attributes of a change leader at each stage of the transition. Best practise leadership in change.
  • Manage your own Leadership performance Identify your own style of change leadership. Recognise the impact of your own emotions during change.
  • Strategies for managing and leading change Plan the change. Create the change you want. Utilise the skills and emotions of the team in change. Understand how to implement the cycle of change.

Essential Management Skills

This course aims to give those in their first managerial role a thorough understanding of the role of the manager and equip them with the necessary skills, practical techniques and tips to manage both individuals and the team with confidence.

  • An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a manager.
  • Know when to apply different types of management styles.
  • An understanding of what motivates people and how to give them constructive feedback on their performance.
  • The ability to communicate with more confidence and build positive working relationships with team members.
  • The confidence to develop team members through one to one training and coaching techniques.
  • Techniques for managing time effectively and how to delegate tasks with confidence.